These are adopts I've gotten from Click Critters. Not all of the sections are ready yet. When I finish a section I will add the link to that page.
First I have some of my favourite adopts.
Favourite adopts
These are the different adoptable collections I have and would like to complete someday. (Unless they're already completed. Since that would obviously mean that I wouldn't have to try to complete it anymore. XD)
----- Random Collections -----
12 CC Elements
Byuri Adopts
Chibu Adopts
Cylin Adopts
Eleguard Adopts
Flyff Adopts
Forgotten Cylin Adopts - (Currently Complete)
Glowing Adopts
Grevall Adopts
Jelliguard Adopts - (Currently Complete)
Kiro Adopts
Maruchi Adopts
Mega Collection
Nautil Adopts
Ornakit Adopts - (Currently Complete)
Puff Adopts
Snowlin Adopts - (Currently Complete)
Trickdragon Adopts - (Currently Complete)
Uchi Adopts
Weekly Adopts - (Currently Complete)
----- QA Adopts -----
Dyresu Adopts
Jubra Adopts
Karint Adopts
Kitzi Adopts
Lapis Adopts
Lyrun Adopts
Menmo Adopts
Quaventa Adopts
Lythesaur Adopts
----- Completed Fandom Collections -----
CF Pokirbies
PC Adopts